
Heyo all! I'm Beldum, also known as AStealthyBeldum in most collection spaces. I've been collecting for a hot minute now and finally put together a website to document it all. You can find links to my collections in the sidebar to the left. Please do NOT copy my photos except for the sole purpose of posting ISO listings! Below, I'll detail any updates to my collections to keep yall in the loop so you don't have to go slogging through everything to find something new. Disclaimer: the reason many of my packages take so long to get to me is because of how bad my local post office is. So, usually most of my packages are sent to my parents, and I don't see them but for a handful of times during the year (the drive is close to 5 hours so I don't make a habit of it).


I have one box from Japan waiting at my parents' place with some Metagross items, as well as a box from ali containing the Latias and Latios Funism figure. Truthfully, the Latis aren't a big collection point anymore, but I do like to pick up some things from time to time. I'll update this when the boxes arrive and I get them up on site.

15 October 2024